Your incapacitation contacts are used by iMemorized to confirm your state of health if it's reported that you have become incapacitated. Manage your incapacitation contacts in the Secure Vault Area by selecting the 'View All Incapacitation Contacts' from the top menu bar or by clicking the Incapacitation icon.
Incapacitation Contacts
Viewing Your Contact List
From the Incapacitation Contacts page you can create, edit, or delete contacts. Please be sure to keep your incapacitation contact information up-to-date in case iMemorized staff need to contact them.
Create New Contact
Click the 'Create Incapacitation Contact' button and complete the contact information form to add a new incapacitation contact to your account.
Click on the contact name or the blue edit button to edit your contact's details. Use the red trash can icon to delete the contact from your account.